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Seven Landscaping and Hardscaping Trends for 2023

March 20, 2023

While it may be tempting to proceed with landscaping and hardscaping right away, one should not rush this process. If one proceeds with the makeover impulsively, the result may end up haphazard. 

To end up with an aesthetic, calming, and pleasing landscape, strategic planning and the usage of high-quality materials are hardly negotiable. Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are among the most premium options one can choose from in the market. When it comes to landscaping, quality porcelain tiles like these elevate the overall feel and visual appeal of the place. Not to mention, when you purchase these tiles, you can rest assured that you aren’t just buying aesthetics but quality as well.  

Aside from this, there are some landscaping and hardscaping trends that are dominating markets and households in 2023. They could be especially helpful for those who are planning to let their lawns undergo a makeover. That being said, here are some 2023 Landscaping and Hardscaping trends that are worth looking out for. 

  • Architectural simplicity
  • Defined outdoor spaces
  • Natural immersive garden
  • Low-carbon landscaping
  • Scandinavian minimalism
  • Low-maintenance lawns
  • Ambient lighting 

Landscape and Hardscape 2023 Design Trends 

Architectural Simplicity 

This trend of elegance is inspired by tourism and travel across luxe hotels, European estates, and wineries. It generally invokes the feelings of class, tradition, and history. To implement this trend in one’s home, it is important to stick to a limited and strict color scheme. To have a strong visual effect, forms can be repeated through rows and masses. Premium porcelain tiles, sculptural succulents, garden walls, and topiaries suit this trend. Homeowners who favor architectural simplicity tend to avail themselves of professional installation services or pioneer a design of their own, starting with grass borders and boxwood.

Defined Outdoor Spaces 

With homeowners spending more time outdoors, there is a rising need to make the outdoor space more complete and functional. Be it an outdoor kitchen, living room, or office, homeowners are fostering an inclination toward making outdoor spaces more efficient and defined. Gardeners and landscapers are finding ways to be in sync with nature through hardscaping outdoor spaces and patios. These areas serve as ideal spots to unwind and relax while enjoying the benefits of staying outdoors. When it comes to defining outdoor spaces, it is important to consider the features and products that can aid in distinguishing the place. One great way to proceed with defining outdoor space is to maximize edges around walkways and property lines. 

Natural Immersive Garden

This landscape trend is set to be one of the most important ones. Natural immersive gardens can also be referred to as "nature-scaping" or "curated wilding" in order for the trend’s core idea to be well expressed. It mainly focuses on natural elements and landscaping materials with mixed hardscape Materials. Hardscape generally features man-made elements in landscape design. These may include walls, pathways, and pavilions. Mixing amenities and hardscape elements is an innovative way of beautifying one’s landscapes. For walkways, pathways, and floor areas, Porcea Stone porcelain tiles are premium hardscape materials to choose from. Featuring almond colors, wood-like characteristics, or limestone materials, Porcea Stone offers a wide variety of outdoor porcelain tiles to choose from. Aside from this, homeowners can also surround their hardscapes with vibrant plants or calming water structures, such as a pond or fountain. 

Porcea Birch Timber

Low-Carbon Landscape Design 

Minimizing carbon has become popular across almost every aspect of daily life. Low-carbon landscaping focuses on growing local varieties of plants and spending time growing vegetables, fruit, and herbs to lessen the carbon footprint. To come up with a low-carbon garden landscape, one may utilize native plants, add trees, source out local furniture pieces and fertilizer, make their own compost, and more. 

Scandinavian Minimalism

This landscaping and hardscaping trend maximizes the "hygge" concept, which refers to finding or creating comfort and coziness in one’s surroundings. In a landscape context, this may cover warm woods or porcelain tiles. Porcea Birch Timber would be ideal for pulling off this Scandinavian minimalist trend. In fact, outdoor porcelain has been used in hardscaping in Scandinavian countries for decades, but now these products are finally available in North America, thanks to Porcea Stone. Aside from this, Scandinavian minimalism makes the most of a vital design element: negative space. This captivates, defines, and enhances an area while fostering openness to some extent. Negative space is vital when it comes to achieving design that is both contemporary and minimalist. 

Low-Maintenance Lawns 

Although several like to stay outdoors, most of them would rather spend their time resting and relaxing than working and maintaining the area. Given this, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to make lawn maintenance easier and more manageable. Some households have an irrigation and sprinkler system installed in the lawn. This could help cut costs and reduce water usage. Aside from this, hardscaping the area or adding natural stones for shrubs, trees, patios, and plants can also help create a distinct and beautiful landscape that requires little care. 

Ambient Lighting 

Having great lighting on a path, pool, deck, patio, or other vital points in the area will always be popular. However, the specific lighting styles may differ over time. In 2023, adding outdoor wall lights and illuminating the pathways are among the top landscape lighting trends that are dominating. On top of this, LED lighting is also becoming more popular compared to traditional bulbs because of their energy efficiency. LED lighting has become a sustainable landscape lighting option. Such lighting can be used for around 50,000 hours while producing minimal heat. 

Use Porcea Stone For Your Landscaping and Hardscaping Essentials 

When it comes to landscaping or hardscaping needs, Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are the go-to option. Our premium tiles last a long time while requiring minimal maintenance. They are also among the best landscaping materials to help improve or upgrade a home’s outdoor space. 

If you are not sure which outdoor porcelain tiles would suit your needs and preferences best, feel free to contact us today. We will be happy to assist you. 

While it may be tempting to proceed with landscaping and hardscaping right away, one should not rush this process. If one proceeds with the makeover impulsively, the result may end up haphazard. 

To end up with an aesthetic, calming, and pleasing landscape, strategic planning and the usage of high-quality materials are hardly negotiable. Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are among the most premium options one can choose from in the market. When it comes to landscaping, quality porcelain tiles like these elevate the overall feel and visual appeal of the place. Not to mention, when you purchase these tiles, you can rest assured that you aren’t just buying aesthetics but quality as well.  

Aside from this, there are some landscaping and hardscaping trends that are dominating markets and households in 2023. They could be especially helpful for those who are planning to let their lawns undergo a makeover. That being said, here are some 2023 Landscaping and Hardscaping trends that are worth looking out for. 

  • Architectural simplicity
  • Defined outdoor spaces
  • Natural immersive garden
  • Low-carbon landscaping
  • Scandinavian minimalism
  • Low-maintenance lawns
  • Ambient lighting 

Landscape and Hardscape 2023 Design Trends 

Architectural Simplicity 

This trend of elegance is inspired by tourism and travel across luxe hotels, European estates, and wineries. It generally invokes the feelings of class, tradition, and history. To implement this trend in one’s home, it is important to stick to a limited and strict color scheme. To have a strong visual effect, forms can be repeated through rows and masses. Premium porcelain tiles, sculptural succulents, garden walls, and topiaries suit this trend. Homeowners who favor architectural simplicity tend to avail themselves of professional installation services or pioneer a design of their own, starting with grass borders and boxwood.

Defined Outdoor Spaces 

With homeowners spending more time outdoors, there is a rising need to make the outdoor space more complete and functional. Be it an outdoor kitchen, living room, or office, homeowners are fostering an inclination toward making outdoor spaces more efficient and defined. Gardeners and landscapers are finding ways to be in sync with nature through hardscaping outdoor spaces and patios. These areas serve as ideal spots to unwind and relax while enjoying the benefits of staying outdoors. When it comes to defining outdoor spaces, it is important to consider the features and products that can aid in distinguishing the place. One great way to proceed with defining outdoor space is to maximize edges around walkways and property lines. 

Natural Immersive Garden

This landscape trend is set to be one of the most important ones. Natural immersive gardens can also be referred to as "nature-scaping" or "curated wilding" in order for the trend’s core idea to be well expressed. It mainly focuses on natural elements and landscaping materials with mixed hardscape Materials. Hardscape generally features man-made elements in landscape design. These may include walls, pathways, and pavilions. Mixing amenities and hardscape elements is an innovative way of beautifying one’s landscapes. For walkways, pathways, and floor areas, Porcea Stone porcelain tiles are premium hardscape materials to choose from. Featuring almond colors, wood-like characteristics, or limestone materials, Porcea Stone offers a wide variety of outdoor porcelain tiles to choose from. Aside from this, homeowners can also surround their hardscapes with vibrant plants or calming water structures, such as a pond or fountain. 

Porcea Birch Timber

Low-Carbon Landscape Design 

Minimizing carbon has become popular across almost every aspect of daily life. Low-carbon landscaping focuses on growing local varieties of plants and spending time growing vegetables, fruit, and herbs to lessen the carbon footprint. To come up with a low-carbon garden landscape, one may utilize native plants, add trees, source out local furniture pieces and fertilizer, make their own compost, and more. 

Scandinavian Minimalism

This landscaping and hardscaping trend maximizes the "hygge" concept, which refers to finding or creating comfort and coziness in one’s surroundings. In a landscape context, this may cover warm woods or porcelain tiles. Porcea Birch Timber would be ideal for pulling off this Scandinavian minimalist trend. In fact, outdoor porcelain has been used in hardscaping in Scandinavian countries for decades, but now these products are finally available in North America, thanks to Porcea Stone. Aside from this, Scandinavian minimalism makes the most of a vital design element: negative space. This captivates, defines, and enhances an area while fostering openness to some extent. Negative space is vital when it comes to achieving design that is both contemporary and minimalist. 

Low-Maintenance Lawns 

Although several like to stay outdoors, most of them would rather spend their time resting and relaxing than working and maintaining the area. Given this, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to make lawn maintenance easier and more manageable. Some households have an irrigation and sprinkler system installed in the lawn. This could help cut costs and reduce water usage. Aside from this, hardscaping the area or adding natural stones for shrubs, trees, patios, and plants can also help create a distinct and beautiful landscape that requires little care. 

Ambient Lighting 

Having great lighting on a path, pool, deck, patio, or other vital points in the area will always be popular. However, the specific lighting styles may differ over time. In 2023, adding outdoor wall lights and illuminating the pathways are among the top landscape lighting trends that are dominating. On top of this, LED lighting is also becoming more popular compared to traditional bulbs because of their energy efficiency. LED lighting has become a sustainable landscape lighting option. Such lighting can be used for around 50,000 hours while producing minimal heat. 

Use Porcea Stone For Your Landscaping and Hardscaping Essentials 

When it comes to landscaping or hardscaping needs, Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are the go-to option. Our premium tiles last a long time while requiring minimal maintenance. They are also among the best landscaping materials to help improve or upgrade a home’s outdoor space. 

If you are not sure which outdoor porcelain tiles would suit your needs and preferences best, feel free to contact us today. We will be happy to assist you. 

While it may be tempting to proceed with landscaping and hardscaping right away, one should not rush this process. If one proceeds with the makeover impulsively, the result may end up haphazard. 

To end up with an aesthetic, calming, and pleasing landscape, strategic planning and the usage of high-quality materials are hardly negotiable. Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are among the most premium options one can choose from in the market. When it comes to landscaping, quality porcelain tiles like these elevate the overall feel and visual appeal of the place. Not to mention, when you purchase these tiles, you can rest assured that you aren’t just buying aesthetics but quality as well.  

Aside from this, there are some landscaping and hardscaping trends that are dominating markets and households in 2023. They could be especially helpful for those who are planning to let their lawns undergo a makeover. That being said, here are some 2023 Landscaping and Hardscaping trends that are worth looking out for. 

  • Architectural simplicity
  • Defined outdoor spaces
  • Natural immersive garden
  • Low-carbon landscaping
  • Scandinavian minimalism
  • Low-maintenance lawns
  • Ambient lighting 

Landscape and Hardscape 2023 Design Trends 

Architectural Simplicity 

This trend of elegance is inspired by tourism and travel across luxe hotels, European estates, and wineries. It generally invokes the feelings of class, tradition, and history. To implement this trend in one’s home, it is important to stick to a limited and strict color scheme. To have a strong visual effect, forms can be repeated through rows and masses. Premium porcelain tiles, sculptural succulents, garden walls, and topiaries suit this trend. Homeowners who favor architectural simplicity tend to avail themselves of professional installation services or pioneer a design of their own, starting with grass borders and boxwood.

Defined Outdoor Spaces 

With homeowners spending more time outdoors, there is a rising need to make the outdoor space more complete and functional. Be it an outdoor kitchen, living room, or office, homeowners are fostering an inclination toward making outdoor spaces more efficient and defined. Gardeners and landscapers are finding ways to be in sync with nature through hardscaping outdoor spaces and patios. These areas serve as ideal spots to unwind and relax while enjoying the benefits of staying outdoors. When it comes to defining outdoor spaces, it is important to consider the features and products that can aid in distinguishing the place. One great way to proceed with defining outdoor space is to maximize edges around walkways and property lines. 

Natural Immersive Garden

This landscape trend is set to be one of the most important ones. Natural immersive gardens can also be referred to as "nature-scaping" or "curated wilding" in order for the trend’s core idea to be well expressed. It mainly focuses on natural elements and landscaping materials with mixed hardscape Materials. Hardscape generally features man-made elements in landscape design. These may include walls, pathways, and pavilions. Mixing amenities and hardscape elements is an innovative way of beautifying one’s landscapes. For walkways, pathways, and floor areas, Porcea Stone porcelain tiles are premium hardscape materials to choose from. Featuring almond colors, wood-like characteristics, or limestone materials, Porcea Stone offers a wide variety of outdoor porcelain tiles to choose from. Aside from this, homeowners can also surround their hardscapes with vibrant plants or calming water structures, such as a pond or fountain. 

Porcea Birch Timber

Low-Carbon Landscape Design 

Minimizing carbon has become popular across almost every aspect of daily life. Low-carbon landscaping focuses on growing local varieties of plants and spending time growing vegetables, fruit, and herbs to lessen the carbon footprint. To come up with a low-carbon garden landscape, one may utilize native plants, add trees, source out local furniture pieces and fertilizer, make their own compost, and more. 

Scandinavian Minimalism

This landscaping and hardscaping trend maximizes the "hygge" concept, which refers to finding or creating comfort and coziness in one’s surroundings. In a landscape context, this may cover warm woods or porcelain tiles. Porcea Birch Timber would be ideal for pulling off this Scandinavian minimalist trend. In fact, outdoor porcelain has been used in hardscaping in Scandinavian countries for decades, but now these products are finally available in North America, thanks to Porcea Stone. Aside from this, Scandinavian minimalism makes the most of a vital design element: negative space. This captivates, defines, and enhances an area while fostering openness to some extent. Negative space is vital when it comes to achieving design that is both contemporary and minimalist. 

Low-Maintenance Lawns 

Although several like to stay outdoors, most of them would rather spend their time resting and relaxing than working and maintaining the area. Given this, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to make lawn maintenance easier and more manageable. Some households have an irrigation and sprinkler system installed in the lawn. This could help cut costs and reduce water usage. Aside from this, hardscaping the area or adding natural stones for shrubs, trees, patios, and plants can also help create a distinct and beautiful landscape that requires little care. 

Ambient Lighting 

Having great lighting on a path, pool, deck, patio, or other vital points in the area will always be popular. However, the specific lighting styles may differ over time. In 2023, adding outdoor wall lights and illuminating the pathways are among the top landscape lighting trends that are dominating. On top of this, LED lighting is also becoming more popular compared to traditional bulbs because of their energy efficiency. LED lighting has become a sustainable landscape lighting option. Such lighting can be used for around 50,000 hours while producing minimal heat. 

Use Porcea Stone For Your Landscaping and Hardscaping Essentials 

When it comes to landscaping or hardscaping needs, Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are the go-to option. Our premium tiles last a long time while requiring minimal maintenance. They are also among the best landscaping materials to help improve or upgrade a home’s outdoor space. 

If you are not sure which outdoor porcelain tiles would suit your needs and preferences best, feel free to contact us today. We will be happy to assist you. 

While it may be tempting to proceed with landscaping and hardscaping right away, one should not rush this process. If one proceeds with the makeover impulsively, the result may end up haphazard. 

To end up with an aesthetic, calming, and pleasing landscape, strategic planning and the usage of high-quality materials are hardly negotiable. Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are among the most premium options one can choose from in the market. When it comes to landscaping, quality porcelain tiles like these elevate the overall feel and visual appeal of the place. Not to mention, when you purchase these tiles, you can rest assured that you aren’t just buying aesthetics but quality as well.  

Aside from this, there are some landscaping and hardscaping trends that are dominating markets and households in 2023. They could be especially helpful for those who are planning to let their lawns undergo a makeover. That being said, here are some 2023 Landscaping and Hardscaping trends that are worth looking out for. 

  • Architectural simplicity
  • Defined outdoor spaces
  • Natural immersive garden
  • Low-carbon landscaping
  • Scandinavian minimalism
  • Low-maintenance lawns
  • Ambient lighting 

Landscape and Hardscape 2023 Design Trends 

Architectural Simplicity 

This trend of elegance is inspired by tourism and travel across luxe hotels, European estates, and wineries. It generally invokes the feelings of class, tradition, and history. To implement this trend in one’s home, it is important to stick to a limited and strict color scheme. To have a strong visual effect, forms can be repeated through rows and masses. Premium porcelain tiles, sculptural succulents, garden walls, and topiaries suit this trend. Homeowners who favor architectural simplicity tend to avail themselves of professional installation services or pioneer a design of their own, starting with grass borders and boxwood.

Defined Outdoor Spaces 

With homeowners spending more time outdoors, there is a rising need to make the outdoor space more complete and functional. Be it an outdoor kitchen, living room, or office, homeowners are fostering an inclination toward making outdoor spaces more efficient and defined. Gardeners and landscapers are finding ways to be in sync with nature through hardscaping outdoor spaces and patios. These areas serve as ideal spots to unwind and relax while enjoying the benefits of staying outdoors. When it comes to defining outdoor spaces, it is important to consider the features and products that can aid in distinguishing the place. One great way to proceed with defining outdoor space is to maximize edges around walkways and property lines. 

Natural Immersive Garden

This landscape trend is set to be one of the most important ones. Natural immersive gardens can also be referred to as "nature-scaping" or "curated wilding" in order for the trend’s core idea to be well expressed. It mainly focuses on natural elements and landscaping materials with mixed hardscape Materials. Hardscape generally features man-made elements in landscape design. These may include walls, pathways, and pavilions. Mixing amenities and hardscape elements is an innovative way of beautifying one’s landscapes. For walkways, pathways, and floor areas, Porcea Stone porcelain tiles are premium hardscape materials to choose from. Featuring almond colors, wood-like characteristics, or limestone materials, Porcea Stone offers a wide variety of outdoor porcelain tiles to choose from. Aside from this, homeowners can also surround their hardscapes with vibrant plants or calming water structures, such as a pond or fountain. 

Porcea Birch Timber

Low-Carbon Landscape Design 

Minimizing carbon has become popular across almost every aspect of daily life. Low-carbon landscaping focuses on growing local varieties of plants and spending time growing vegetables, fruit, and herbs to lessen the carbon footprint. To come up with a low-carbon garden landscape, one may utilize native plants, add trees, source out local furniture pieces and fertilizer, make their own compost, and more. 

Scandinavian Minimalism

This landscaping and hardscaping trend maximizes the "hygge" concept, which refers to finding or creating comfort and coziness in one’s surroundings. In a landscape context, this may cover warm woods or porcelain tiles. Porcea Birch Timber would be ideal for pulling off this Scandinavian minimalist trend. In fact, outdoor porcelain has been used in hardscaping in Scandinavian countries for decades, but now these products are finally available in North America, thanks to Porcea Stone. Aside from this, Scandinavian minimalism makes the most of a vital design element: negative space. This captivates, defines, and enhances an area while fostering openness to some extent. Negative space is vital when it comes to achieving design that is both contemporary and minimalist. 

Low-Maintenance Lawns 

Although several like to stay outdoors, most of them would rather spend their time resting and relaxing than working and maintaining the area. Given this, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to make lawn maintenance easier and more manageable. Some households have an irrigation and sprinkler system installed in the lawn. This could help cut costs and reduce water usage. Aside from this, hardscaping the area or adding natural stones for shrubs, trees, patios, and plants can also help create a distinct and beautiful landscape that requires little care. 

Ambient Lighting 

Having great lighting on a path, pool, deck, patio, or other vital points in the area will always be popular. However, the specific lighting styles may differ over time. In 2023, adding outdoor wall lights and illuminating the pathways are among the top landscape lighting trends that are dominating. On top of this, LED lighting is also becoming more popular compared to traditional bulbs because of their energy efficiency. LED lighting has become a sustainable landscape lighting option. Such lighting can be used for around 50,000 hours while producing minimal heat. 

Use Porcea Stone For Your Landscaping and Hardscaping Essentials 

When it comes to landscaping or hardscaping needs, Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are the go-to option. Our premium tiles last a long time while requiring minimal maintenance. They are also among the best landscaping materials to help improve or upgrade a home’s outdoor space. 

If you are not sure which outdoor porcelain tiles would suit your needs and preferences best, feel free to contact us today. We will be happy to assist you. 

While it may be tempting to proceed with landscaping and hardscaping right away, one should not rush this process. If one proceeds with the makeover impulsively, the result may end up haphazard. 

To end up with an aesthetic, calming, and pleasing landscape, strategic planning and the usage of high-quality materials are hardly negotiable. Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are among the most premium options one can choose from in the market. When it comes to landscaping, quality porcelain tiles like these elevate the overall feel and visual appeal of the place. Not to mention, when you purchase these tiles, you can rest assured that you aren’t just buying aesthetics but quality as well.  

Aside from this, there are some landscaping and hardscaping trends that are dominating markets and households in 2023. They could be especially helpful for those who are planning to let their lawns undergo a makeover. That being said, here are some 2023 Landscaping and Hardscaping trends that are worth looking out for. 

  • Architectural simplicity
  • Defined outdoor spaces
  • Natural immersive garden
  • Low-carbon landscaping
  • Scandinavian minimalism
  • Low-maintenance lawns
  • Ambient lighting 

Landscape and Hardscape 2023 Design Trends 

Architectural Simplicity 

This trend of elegance is inspired by tourism and travel across luxe hotels, European estates, and wineries. It generally invokes the feelings of class, tradition, and history. To implement this trend in one’s home, it is important to stick to a limited and strict color scheme. To have a strong visual effect, forms can be repeated through rows and masses. Premium porcelain tiles, sculptural succulents, garden walls, and topiaries suit this trend. Homeowners who favor architectural simplicity tend to avail themselves of professional installation services or pioneer a design of their own, starting with grass borders and boxwood.

Defined Outdoor Spaces 

With homeowners spending more time outdoors, there is a rising need to make the outdoor space more complete and functional. Be it an outdoor kitchen, living room, or office, homeowners are fostering an inclination toward making outdoor spaces more efficient and defined. Gardeners and landscapers are finding ways to be in sync with nature through hardscaping outdoor spaces and patios. These areas serve as ideal spots to unwind and relax while enjoying the benefits of staying outdoors. When it comes to defining outdoor spaces, it is important to consider the features and products that can aid in distinguishing the place. One great way to proceed with defining outdoor space is to maximize edges around walkways and property lines. 

Natural Immersive Garden

This landscape trend is set to be one of the most important ones. Natural immersive gardens can also be referred to as "nature-scaping" or "curated wilding" in order for the trend’s core idea to be well expressed. It mainly focuses on natural elements and landscaping materials with mixed hardscape Materials. Hardscape generally features man-made elements in landscape design. These may include walls, pathways, and pavilions. Mixing amenities and hardscape elements is an innovative way of beautifying one’s landscapes. For walkways, pathways, and floor areas, Porcea Stone porcelain tiles are premium hardscape materials to choose from. Featuring almond colors, wood-like characteristics, or limestone materials, Porcea Stone offers a wide variety of outdoor porcelain tiles to choose from. Aside from this, homeowners can also surround their hardscapes with vibrant plants or calming water structures, such as a pond or fountain. 

Porcea Birch Timber

Low-Carbon Landscape Design 

Minimizing carbon has become popular across almost every aspect of daily life. Low-carbon landscaping focuses on growing local varieties of plants and spending time growing vegetables, fruit, and herbs to lessen the carbon footprint. To come up with a low-carbon garden landscape, one may utilize native plants, add trees, source out local furniture pieces and fertilizer, make their own compost, and more. 

Scandinavian Minimalism

This landscaping and hardscaping trend maximizes the "hygge" concept, which refers to finding or creating comfort and coziness in one’s surroundings. In a landscape context, this may cover warm woods or porcelain tiles. Porcea Birch Timber would be ideal for pulling off this Scandinavian minimalist trend. In fact, outdoor porcelain has been used in hardscaping in Scandinavian countries for decades, but now these products are finally available in North America, thanks to Porcea Stone. Aside from this, Scandinavian minimalism makes the most of a vital design element: negative space. This captivates, defines, and enhances an area while fostering openness to some extent. Negative space is vital when it comes to achieving design that is both contemporary and minimalist. 

Low-Maintenance Lawns 

Although several like to stay outdoors, most of them would rather spend their time resting and relaxing than working and maintaining the area. Given this, it is no wonder that homeowners are looking for ways to make lawn maintenance easier and more manageable. Some households have an irrigation and sprinkler system installed in the lawn. This could help cut costs and reduce water usage. Aside from this, hardscaping the area or adding natural stones for shrubs, trees, patios, and plants can also help create a distinct and beautiful landscape that requires little care. 

Ambient Lighting 

Having great lighting on a path, pool, deck, patio, or other vital points in the area will always be popular. However, the specific lighting styles may differ over time. In 2023, adding outdoor wall lights and illuminating the pathways are among the top landscape lighting trends that are dominating. On top of this, LED lighting is also becoming more popular compared to traditional bulbs because of their energy efficiency. LED lighting has become a sustainable landscape lighting option. Such lighting can be used for around 50,000 hours while producing minimal heat. 

Use Porcea Stone For Your Landscaping and Hardscaping Essentials 

When it comes to landscaping or hardscaping needs, Porcea Stone outdoor porcelain tiles are the go-to option. Our premium tiles last a long time while requiring minimal maintenance. They are also among the best landscaping materials to help improve or upgrade a home’s outdoor space. 

If you are not sure which outdoor porcelain tiles would suit your needs and preferences best, feel free to contact us today. We will be happy to assist you.